Thursday, November 1, 2012

“What I Will Do to Graduate from High School “


In order for me to graduate from high school I need to get good grades. I actually want to graduate high school, and be somebody in life and get a good job. I want to graduate high school and after go to the University of Santa Barbara or UCLA. I need to get good grades in order for me to go to a good college and actually graduate high school. I need to stay out of trouble. Hang out with good people, not trouble makers so I won’t be influenced by my friends.

These are something’s I should do to graduate high school :

1.   Always go to school, only be absent when I am really sick or have something that is really, really important .

2.   Do well in school, which means get good grades .

3.    Stay out of trouble.

4.   Be respectful, and responsible .

5.    Study for test / quizzes .

6.    Try to be a really good student .

7.   Always Choose The Right .

You should try to never be late or absent to school because that means, that you can miss out on something really important. Always do your homework and classwork, ask for help if you do not understand your homework or classwork. Stay for tutoring, if you need help with anything. I should also do extra-curricular. Like join a sport or a club, because it will help me graduate high school and it will also help me get into the college I want to go to. Always do the right thing, and make good choices for you nobody else but you.



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